Quick Password Maker ver1.5 Released!

Get Your Password Stronger and Safer!
This app automatically creates a new password.
Recently, many accidents that are unauthorized access to accounts by the recycling of password have occurred. With the increase in IT service, it becomes necessary to set a different password in each. However, to perform it, when a person thinks with one’s head, there is a limit in both the variation and the strength. If you use this application, the application makes stronger and safer password, instead of you.

- You can specify each use and non-use uppercase, lowercase, numbers as character types.
- You can specify individual use / non-use from 13 types as a symbol.
- You can specify to use one or more times always the character types of all.
Even if how many symbols are specified, symbol is counted as one kind. - You can specify not to use more than once the same character.
In some cases, you can not specify it in consideration of character types and password length.
- Specify the character types to use for password.
- Specify the length of the password.
- Press the button “Generate Password”.
- Copy and use as needed.
iPhone(iOS 14.0 or later)
License & Copyright
- This software is FREEWARE. There is NO CHARGE Upon use.
- CROSS LABORATORY holds the copyright.
- This software is NO GUARANTEE. We shall not take responsibility for any damage that occurred because of the use. Please use it in the responsibility of own.
- After generate passowrd, Shake your device to erase the password.
- v1.0 (2013-06-22)
- Released.
- v1.1 (2016-06-16)
- Adapted to iOS 9.
- v1.2 (2018-10-04)
- Adapted to iOS 12.
- The max password length has been expanded to 128 chars.
- v1.3 (2020-05-02)
- Adapted to iOS 13.
- The screen layout has been fine-tuned.
- v1.4 (2021-03-24)
- Adapted to iOS 14.
- v1.5 (2023-07-22)
- Adapted to iOS 16.